Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Penyalahgunaan Narkoba Di antara Generasi Muda

Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang  Penyalahgunaan Narkoba Di antara Generasi Muda, dengan judul :

"Drugs Abuse Among Young Generation"

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...
Alhamdulillahi robbil alamin, washolatu awassalam ala asrofil anbiya i walmursalin wa ala alihi alihi wa  ashabihi   ajmaiin , amma  ba”du.

Dear  chairman, 
Dear  juries,
Dear  participant  of  English speech contest And all  audiences ladies and gentlemen.

Before   I speak ,let”s thank to Allah the Almighty ,  Who  has given  us  Mercy  and  Blessing, so  we  can meet together  in  this  Place . Let’s  deliver sholawat  and salam  to  our  prophet Muhammad saw, Who  has  brought us from the  darkness to  the  brightness, so we   are   always  in the right way And  I  don’t   forget  to thank to the  master of ceremony  who has  given  me   a little  time  to speak  in front of You  all.

Dear  ladies  and gentlemen. 
In this  occasion, I would like to speak in front of you all under the title   "Drugs Abuse Among Young Generation"

As we  know  that  drugs have many profits  and benefits especially in health sector, the drugs can cure various of  diseases, the drugs can  help  many patients to be  healthy people, and  more advantages of drugs can be felt in our life such as the professional who has to work every day by using these  medicines ,mainly  people who are working in this medical unit like researchers, workers who are engaged in drug related activities like nursing, drug manufacture, monitoring, transport, administration, distribution, storage, treatment ,and so on. How  many people can live in the world depend on the drugs, the doctors, nurses ,pharmacist ,distributor, administrator they live depend on the drugs, indeed !  the  drugs have many benefits in our  life .
Dear ladies   and gentlemen
But it is so sad, if  we hear many young generation consume  the drugs such as Heroin, cokain, Koplo, dextron, extacy, marijuana , just to be drunk, to get enjoyment, to get satisfation, they don’t think  their  future, they only think the recently pleasure. They only think the temporary pleasure, really they have no future ,they  only get false enjoyment, so that we are as young generation must be careful to have a friend, may be our friends  bring  us to the negative influence such as  consuming the drugs ! so we  must choose the friends  who  have good moral, don’t approach the friends who have bad  moral,because  they will give us the  bad influence.
Dear ladies  and gentlemen
As  moslems we have the guidance from the  holy qur’an that drinking alcoholic drink is forbiden ,and it is bad action, and despicable deed, as Allah Said in the holy quran  : "ya ayyuhalladzina amanu  innamal khomru walmaysir wal anshob wal azlam  rijsummin amalisyton  fajtanibuhu laalakum tuflihun."
It means  : "oh ye the believers actually alcoholic drink,gambling ,and draw  destiny is despicable from  the evil’s  action so avoid them, may be you will be the pleasure people.(almaidah verse : 90)"
Because the drugs or the alcoholic drink is  so dangerous for  our health, for our body ,for  our future . so  we must keep a way from it .we must avoid it. Don’t try   to consume  it, don’t  try to sell or buy it  because you will enter the prison ! 

Dear ladies and gentlemen

To avoid from the dangerous of using drugs and abuse drugs lets we pray to the  lord of the  world Allah the Almighty   ! Oh the Lord of the world give us the easy to avoid us  from the bad action ! Oh the Lord of the world give us the strength to get good society! Oh the Lord of the world give  us the strength to get  the use full knowledge! Oh the Lord of the world give us the guidance to reach the achievement ! Oh the Lord of the world avoid us from badness, avoid us  from stupidity, avoid us  from laziness!
Those are what I can deliver to  you   at this  moment, thank  a lot  for your attention and  I  ask forgiveness for my  mistakes, and the last I say  : Wabilahitaufik wal Hidayah WasalamualaikumWarahmatullahi Wabarakatu

6 komentar:

  1. Boleh sok aja, kan ini juga buat berbagi...

  2. dgn ini cukup membantu..

    Terima Kasih Ya Allah..!

  3. mohon ijin untuk pidato saya ntr siang,,,,

  4. pidato narkoba ini juga sering2 di bacakan biar pada tobat :D

  5. saya izin copy pidato ini untuk tugas yah
